Nursing Services
Profession Resume
Too busy to do it yourself? Then let us create your professional, easy to read resume. 1-2 pages, cover letter optional, 3-5 days turnaround, resume will be emailed to you as a pdf.
Suggested for:
New job or updating resume.
Care Plans
Your instructor should be teaching you to write your care plans using the 6 steps of the Clinical Judgement Measurement Model. To write your Care Plan will take about 3 to 5 hours of coaching. I CAN NOT write your paper for you!
Suggested for:
Anyone needing help with Care Plans
Nursing Papers
From time to time one may experience writer's block when an Instructor gives an assignment. I can give you some ideas and direction in which to write you paper. This can take anywhere from 2-5 hours. Please keep in mind, I CAN NOT write your paper! I will also give you ideas of ways instructors know if you plagerized.
Suggested for:
Anyone needing help writing a college paper for any topic nursing or otherwise.